Friday, December 31, 2004


i wonder how long it'll take for me to get back into this blogging on a regular basis again? there's no better time than now to start... and just in time for the new year. well, i'll be hitting this one up a lot more now... it'll help me stay distracted from doing any real work at work. teaching is still fun, but man, the politics of my workplace is really getting to me. you wouldn't think it'd be so bad, but i can really feel it. gross. i won't think about it til work actually gets back in session. don't worry, you'll all get to hear it.
oh yes, i also decided to start up another blog so check it out if you want. will be more of my attempt at "social commentary". yeah, wish that one some luck.
so that's all for now. maybe i'll wait a bit before telling anyone that i'm keeping up with these blogs... or maybe i'm just lazy to tell people. yeah, that's more likely.