Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why are haters so angry?

My BAD! This wasn't VIA's "do something nice" gig after all (but they really ARE nice, nay, AWESOME). But my sentiments still hold true. I know how to reverse psychologize the happiness out of a hater and, if needed, I WILL.

As read off of @VIAwesome:

An angry blog didn't like the "Do Something Nice" post we made so much they sent us 1,500 visitors. Hate = traffic? :(

So I'm sitting on the the train, reading my twitter feed. I come across a post about an angry person (supported by other angry people) who doesn't like random acts of kindness or the "Do something nice" campaign that did (they actually DIDN'T do that... just reported on it).

It's kind of sucky that there are people who take offense to someone else's good mood. They must be the "mind your own damn business" types. I don't get it. I have bad days, sometimes I'd rather not hear what people (especially strangers) have to say. In that case I'd politely ignore them.

What's the fuss? Being outwardly not nice is just as annoying as being outwardly nice, if not worse. "Telling people how to behave is an assertion of ownership; it is disdainful of individual agency, a failure to acknowledge boundaries and autonomy." said the angry blogger. Yup, same goes for telling nice people to NOT be nice.

If you really feel the need to tell someone to shut up, I dare you to do it. There. Happy now? Hahaha so am I! Haters: 0, Niceness: 1.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

24.07.11 chilly bike racks

I know these bike racks have been "knit-bombed" or "crochet-bombed" (or "whatever you call it" bombed) for a minute now. I just had the opportunity to take a picture of it now. If you've never seen this and would like to see it in real life, it's along Dunsmuir street by the Sephora and Holt Renfrew side of the Pacific Centre mall.
I really like finding inanimate, stationary things all cozied up with yarn. I wonder how the heck it gets done. Do you get to do that stuff in broad daylight? Or do you need to be all stealth? I can't imagine that it's vandalism if you've knitted a scarf for a metal pole. Anyway, it's cute and smile inducing so thought I'd share.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

12.07.11 what WAS it?


Walking to class this morning I encountered what I think used to be a dragon fruit... I think. Looks like it was a hit and run. Right beside the crosswalk and everything. Aren't those things expensive?

10.07.11 something nice

I noticed that I walk along Cambie. A lot. One of these days I'll be super lana about my posts and create separate pages for my flower pictures, my coffee cup pictures, and Cambie street. Until then, enjoy these shots from the Cambie Bridge, including a little poster promoting niceness.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Thursday, July 07, 2011

07.07.11 lasers wash cars?


From where I was sitting, it still looked like water and soap to me.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

06.07.11 in Chinatown there's dried everything!

I was up "early" today so I decided to accompany my mom to Chinatown. I love that place. I'm sure I've blogged about it one time or another, and this time is no different.

My dad wanted us to find some sort of Szechuan pepper of sorts. Mom just had the wrapper of a certain brand that once contained it, all written in Chinese. We used it to ask "do you have this?". We walked into one of those dried everything stores near Powell street and found what we wanted. Good times.

The man in the picture was the one who helped us out. He insisted that their store's pepper was the best. The store also had a huge wall of medicines, ointments and remedies. Totally awesome. I crave the smell of tiger balm!