Thursday, February 17, 2011

17.02.11 best valentine's hearts

This is basically a continuation of valentine's day hilarity. It's a collection of hearts with messages.

Who'd really want to be "CRAZY"? Is "HARD LUCK" a bad or good thing? "GOOD PALS" is NOT a good thing on valentine's day.
"BITE ME" was on a valentine's day card.
"LOL" I was told can also mean "lots of love". That's fine. But what if you interpreted it as laugh out loud"?
*heart shatter*

Hope everyone had a good one <3

Posted via email from what "i" sees is what you get

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Monday, February 07, 2011

07.02.11 ACME heart maker

Before anything:

Ok. The commentary:

SO FUN. I already made a gangload from my iPhone and saved the images to my camera roll. Super easy. I'm working on a creative way to send valentines. By working I mean PROCRASTINATING.

The hearts only has space for 4 letters/numbers/select symbols for each of the 2 lines. So 8 characters in all. Get creative. Lose a lot of vowels.

Posted via email from what "i" sees is what you get

07.02.11 they come in CHOCOLATE?!

I like this candy because it's the American version of Rockets. They have a different name (which is also one of my favourite chocolates) and it's like 4 times the size of Rockets (I call that "American size").

And NOW I find they come in chocolate flavour. Smarties are chocolate flavour. Haha to a Canadian, that's a totally dumb remark, but to an American, it's perfectly normal. Hahaha... Too... Many... Jokes...

Posted via email from what "i" sees is what you get

Friday, February 04, 2011

04.02.11 funny things omw home

A lady dressed head to toe in purple, emphasis on her head.

Also, a huge pick up truck. Like, it screams out "overcompensating".

I wish I saw a third funny thing on my way home from school, but the commute is pretty short. I'll count my blessings :)

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02.02.11 mink's hot chocolate cup

I just took a photo of it because it's pretty. Particularly with all the grey in the background. Side note, the 1st hot chocolate festival is happening right now til February 14 at chocolate cafés all over Vancouver. Mink had a deeeelicious hot mint chocolate. Try it if you get a chance. But don't go for the french lavender flavour... Unless you like the taste of your grandma's garden. Bleaagh.

Posted via email from what "i" sees is what you get

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Psychological Egoism

Each person does in fact pursue his or her self-interest alone.

Hmmmm like the chick I sat beside in last week's class who did her monthly budget and scanned facebbok photos on her laptop during class?
Or how bout the guy in the next row who is msn chatting on his netbook?
Or this chick beside me now who is taking notes by taking photos of the screen with her iPhone?.. Incidentally, she turned down an offer for a pen. She is also texting some guy named Mark.

Yeah, I'm blogging in class. But at least I wait til break. I just wanted to take a verbal snapshot of my learning environment. It's way different than the last time I was in university.
