As read off of @VIAwesome:
An angry blog didn't like the "Do Something Nice" post we made so much they sent us 1,500 visitors. Hate = traffic? :(
So I'm sitting on the the train, reading my twitter feed. I come across a post about an angry person (supported by other angry people) who doesn't like random acts of kindness or the "Do something nice" campaign that did (they actually DIDN'T do that... just reported on it).
It's kind of sucky that there are people who take offense to someone else's good mood. They must be the "mind your own damn business" types. I don't get it. I have bad days, sometimes I'd rather not hear what people (especially strangers) have to say. In that case I'd politely ignore them.
What's the fuss? Being outwardly not nice is just as annoying as being outwardly nice, if not worse. "Telling people how to behave is an assertion of ownership; it is disdainful of individual agency, a failure to acknowledge boundaries and autonomy." said the angry blogger. Yup, same goes for telling nice people to NOT be nice.
If you really feel the need to tell someone to shut up, I dare you to do it. There. Happy now? Hahaha so am I! Haters: 0, Niceness: 1.