Sunday, August 18, 2002

my neck, my back
oh my GOODNESS i am in pain!! too much dancing for someone who was supposed to be the dj... note to self: runners are always better than heels to dance in, no matter how silly you might look! annie's wedding went well yesterday and everyone's still talking about it. i had such a good time that i didn't even have the strength to take my hair down (yep, it's still up in its do!). there wasn't a single horrible thing that coulda happened to sabbotage the day. and even though i couldn't mingle as much as i wanted to, i had fun. too bad the groom's side wasn't as extroverted as our side... they knew how to get their drink on, but i guess no matter what i played, they couldn't get down with their bad selves, short of the father of the groom and one of the nieces. it was kinda funny cuz our family SO took over the floor... we took over the whole thing almost! it was great. even the crew (we were on a little cruise ship for the reception) said that this was one of the better receptions they've ever hosted... not plain at all. well, you get about 60 filipinos, a lot of cheap wine, put them all in a contained environment, throw in a little bit of classic 80s and a lot of old school and hiphop and what do you get?... the always entertaining typical filipino party... we had titas getting tipsy, titos getting their freaks on, and us kids just laughing so hard that we all left with a cut up set of abs. any of you reading this that weren't there, hit me up... i'll invite you to the next big function... and this time i'll make sure to include kool and the gang in my playlist, and to throw a big lechon in the mix.

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