Thursday, March 04, 2010

28.02.10 sochi balloon (it wasn't televised!)

about 175 of us were selected to carry these huge balloons in the sochi portion of the closing ceremony. when that supermodel waved her magic wand during the end of that orchestra bit, we were instructed to pop them by activating the detonator (that cylinder thing i'm holding). yes, they were full of confetti. and more importantly, i got to keep the track suit! go sochi 2014!

Posted via web from what "i" sees is what you get


Gary said...

Detonator... How cool is that!

Unknown said...

i know! we had in-ear radios and the instruction was: "arm detonator NOW. detonate balloon... NOW!"
the guy (sergei, i think was his name) was russian so his accent was obvious. it was right out of a cold war movie!