Monday, September 03, 2012

... summer.*

*the first day after the last day of summer.

To kick off this long weekend, I headed down to Seattle for the Bumbershoot festival. Day one of Bumbershoot was not a priority for me so we decided to do errands. Here's a recap of the adventure that unfolded.

Aaahhh... Can I have a hot dog bun?

(Refer to )

We found them at Walmart and they were more than $0.25 each. Gotta keep looking for the original "Hot Dog Bun Store."

"Keep the non-swearing to a minimum."

We hit up The Comic Stop in the U-district. Sean's good people. I can tell because he let this guy Chris talk his ear off for like 20 minutes about all sorts of comic stuff. This Chris then followed Ron and I up to the cashier and continued to talk our ears off for another 20 mins. Ron stuck around cuz he doesn't know when to say no. I just walked out of the store with Sean and laughed the whole time. It was funny. You had to be there.


It's everywhere. I will not post the song because it is easy to find. So easy, in fact, you can even find it at your local karaoke box.

And when we got to Ron's, we were greeted by the scariest looking friendly cat I have ever seen.

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